International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Online Diffusion-Based 3D Occupancy Prediction at the Frontier with Probabilistic Map Reconciliation
A. Reed, L. Achey, B. Crowe, B. Hayes, C. Heckman
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
SceneSense: Diffusion Models for 3D Occupancy Synthesis from Partial Observation
A. Reed, B. Crowe, D. Albin, L. Achey, B. Hayes, C. Heckman
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
RMap: Millimeter-Wave Radar Mapping Through Volumetric Upsampling
A. N. Mopidevi, K. Harlow, C. Heckman
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
Kalman Filter Auto-Tuning With Consistent and Robust Bayesian Optimization
Z. Chen, H. Biggie, N. Ahmed, S. Julier, C. Heckman
Experimental Robotics: The 18th International Symposium
Restorebot: Towards an Autonomous Robotics Platform for Degraded Rangeland Restoration
K. Such, H. Biggie, C. Heckman
Robotics Science and System (RSS) Workshop on Inference and Decision Making for Autonomous Vehicles
Looking Around Corners: Generative Methods in Terrain Extension
A. Reed, C Heckman
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
BO-ICP: Initialization of Iterative Closest Point Based on Bayesian Optimization
H. Biggie, A. Beathard, C. Heckman
Field Robotics Journal
Flexible Supervised Autonomy for Exploration in Subterranean Environments [PDF]
H. Biggie, E. Rush, D. Riley, S. Ahmad, M. Ohradzansky, K. Harlow, M. Miles, D. Torres, S. McGuire, E. Frew, C. Heckman, J. S. Humbert
Conference on Robot Learning
Verified Path Following Using Neural Control Lyapunov Functions
A. Reed, G. Berger, S. Sankaranarayanan, C. Heckman
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC)
Aligning Images and Text with Semantic Role Labels for Fine-Grained Cross-Modal Understanding
A. Bhattacharyya, C. Mauceri, M. Palmer, C. Heckman
The International Journal of Robotics Research
ColoRadar: The direct 3D millimeter wave radar dataset
A. Kramer, K. Harlow, C. Williams, C. Heckman
IEEE International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION)
Time dependence in kalman filter tuning
Z. Chen, C. Heckman, S. Julier, N. Ahmed
Field Robotics Journal
Multi-agent autonomy: Advancements and challenges in subterranean exploration
M. Ohradzansky, E. Rush, D. Riley, A. Mills, S. Ahmad, S. McGuire, H. Biggie, K. Harlow, M. Miles, E. Frew, C. Heckman, J. S. Humbert
International Workshop on Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart
Deformable Bayesian Convolutional Networks for Disease-Robust Cardiac MRI Segmentation
M. Fulton, C. Heckman, M. Rentschler
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Robust Pose Estimation Based on Normalized Information Distance
Z. Chen, C. Heckman
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
A mixed reality supervision and telepresence interface for outdoor field robotics
M. Walker, Z. Chen, M. Whitlock, D. Blair, D. A. Szafir, C. Heckman, D. Szafir
Communications of the ACM
Formalizing and guaranteeing human-robot interaction
H. Kress-Gazit, K. Eder, G. Hoffman, H. Admoni, B. Argall, R. Ehlers, C. Heckman, N. Jansen, R. Knepper, J. Kretinsky, S. Levy-Tzedek, J. Li, T. Murphey, L. Riek, D. Sadigh
Journal of Aerospace Information Systems
Human-Aware Reinforcement Learning for Fault Recovery Using Contextual Gaussian Processes
S. McGuire, P. Michael Furlong, C. Heckman, S. Julier, N Ahmed
Iternational Symposium on Robotics Research
Embedded Neural Networks for Robot Autonomy
R. Patel, C. Heckman, N. Correll
Radar-Inertial State Estimation and Mapping for Micro-Aerial Vehicles In Dense Fog
A. Kramer, S. Ahmad, C. Heckman
International Symposium on Experimental Robotics
Radar-Inertial State Estimation and Mapping for Micro-Aerial Vehicles In Dense Fog
A. Kramer, S. Ahmad, C. Heckman
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Radar-Inertial Ego-Velocity Estimation for Visually Degraded Environments [PDF]
A. Kramer, A. Santamaria-Navarro, A. Aghamohammadi, C. Heckman
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
Better Together: Online Probabilistic Clique Change Detection in 3D Landmark-Based Maps [PDF]
S. Bateman, K. Harlow, C. Heckman
International Journal of Robotics Research
Learning to Calibrate: Reinforcement Learning for Guided Calibration of Visual-Inertial Rigs
F. Nobre, C. Heckman
International Journal of Robotics Research
Materials that make robots smart
D. Hughes, C. Heckman, N. Correll
International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop on Closing the Loop Between Vision and Language
SUN-Spot: An RGB-D Dataset With Spatial Referring Expressions
C. Mauceri, M. Palmer, C. Heckman
International Conference on 3D Vision
Multiple Point Light Estimation from Low-Quality 3D Reconstructions
M. Kasper, C. Heckman
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems
A Benchmark for Visual-Inertial Odometry Systems Employing Onboard Illumination
M. Kasper, S. Mcguire, C. Heckman
Field and Service Robotics
VI-SLAM for Subterranean Environments
A. Kramer, M. Kasper, C. Heckman
Perception in Subterranean Planetary Environments
Perception in Subterranean Planetary Environments
A. Kramer, M. Kasper, C. Heckman
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Everybody needs somebody sometimes: validation of adaptive recovery in robotic space operations [PDF]
S.J. McGuire and P.M. Furlong and T. Fong and C. Heckman and D. Szafir and S. Julier and N. Ahmed
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Robust low-overlap {3-D} point cloud registration for outlier rejection [PDF]
J. Stechschulte, and N. Ahmed, and C. Heckman
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Path-Following though Control Funnel Functions [PDF]
H. Ravanbakhsh, S. Aghli, C. Heckman, and S. Sankaranarayanan
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Autonomous Localization, Navigation and Haustral Fold Detection for Robotic Endoscopy [PDF]
Prendergast, Micah and Formosa, Greg and Heckman, Chris and Rentschler, Mark
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
Game-Theoretic Cooperative Lane Changing Using Data-Driven Models [PDF]
Ding, Guohui and Aghli, Sina and Heckman, Christoffer and Chen, Lijun
International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER)
FastCal: Robust Online Self-Calibration for Robotic Systems
Nobre, Fernando and Heckman, Christoffer
21st International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION)
Weak in the NEES?: Auto-tuning Kalman Filters with Bayesian Optimization [PDF]
Chen, Zhaozhong and Heckman, Christoffer and Julier, Simon and Ahmed, Nisar
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
Failure is Not an Option: Policy Learning for Adaptive Recovery in Space Operations [PDF]
S. McGuire and P. M. Furlong and C. Heckman and S. Julier and D. Szafir and N. Ahmed
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Online System Identification and Calibration of Dynamic Models for Autonomous Ground Vehicles [PDF]
Aghli, Sina and Heckman, Christoffer
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Online Probabilistic Change Detection in Feature-Based Maps [PDF]
Nobre, Fernando and Heckman, Christoffer and Ozog, Paul and Wolcott, Ryan and Walls, Jeffrey
International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR)
Reinforcement Learning for Assisted Visual-Inertial Robotic Calibration [PDF]
Nobre, Fernando and Heckman, Christoffer
International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR)
Materials that Make Robots Smart [PDF]
Correll, Nikolaus and Heckman, Christoffer
Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) Workshop on Bridging the Gap in Space Robotics
Terrain Aware Model Predictive Controller for Autonomous Ground Vehicles [PDF]
Aghli, Sina and Heckman, Christoffer
Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS) Workshop on Bridging the Gap in Space Robotics
On the Development of an Online Assistant Selection Dataset for Planetary Exploration Systems
McGuire, Steve and Furlong, P. Michael and Ahmed, Nisar
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Drift-Correcting Self-Calibration for Visual-Inertial SLAM [PDF]
Nobre, Fernando and Kasper, Michael and Heckman, Christoffer
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshop on Virtual/Augmented Reality for Visual Artificial Intelligence
Light Source Estimation in Synthetic Images [PDF]
Kasper, Michael and Keivan, Nima and Sibley, Gabe and Heckman, Christoffer
International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER)
Multi-Sensor {SLAM} with Online Self-Calibration and Change Detection [PDF]
Fernando Nobre and Christoffer Heckman and Gabe Sibley
Robotics Science and Systems (RSS) Workshop on Realistic, Repeatable and Robust Simulation
Simulation-in-the-loop for Planning and Model-Predictive Control [PDF]
Christoffer Heckman and Nima Keivan and Gabe Sibley