ARPG Videos

This school year (2020-2021), the Saint Vrain Valley School District remotely hosted ARPG for a presentation series about robotics and machine learning for a middle school audience. The following videos are recordings of the live presentations.

Introduction to Robotics: Perception, Autonomy, and Mechatronics

University of Colorado // Robotic Innovations from ARPG from Innovation Center of St. Vrain on Vimeo.

MARBLE: ARPG’s Robot for the 2020 DARPA Subterranean Challenge

University of Colorado // Autonomous Robotics Perception Group from Innovation Center of St. Vrain on Vimeo.

RestoreBot: Field deployment preparations, perception, and autonomy

University of Colorado // RestoreBot from Innovation Center of St. Vrain on Vimeo.

How robot’s learn. Understanding language and vision

University of Colorado // Autonomous Robotics Perception Group from Innovation Center of St. Vrain on Vimeo.